„Trust the doctor you have chosen,“ advices 31 years old Katka from Prague
To make a decision to go for a plastic surgery is a long lasting process, that has its own development. It took a few years for our patient Katka until her conviction was so strong that she just had to do it. What things were the most important for her decision, what influenced her opinion about the doctor, the brand of implants or post-operative care? She revealed everything in our interview.
Katka, you are 8 weeks after the surgery how do you feel?
I feel very good. I had no complications, so I was in a normal process relatively short after the procedure (breast augmentation). Of course, I have been restricted in sport and in lifting heavy weights. I was thinking more about things like grocery shopping if it's not too heavy to carry it or how many times I would have to take shopping bags to get them to my flat ????

It took you quite a long time to make a decision to really go for the procedure. What was the main reason?
I was thinking about the procedure for a few years. I did not really talk to anybody about my desire and I was focusing more on what other people would say about it. Then there was also the financial situation, I didn´t want to borrow any money for it. There was always something more important to spend money on. Last but not least, it was my boyfriend's opinion, he was satisfied with my body and didn't want me to do it.
What moment was crucial for your final decision, then?
It was probably the change in my private life for me. And a talk with my friend who recommended me her doctor. So I finally made a decision and called the clinic to ask for an appointment. Later, I had another recommendations for a different doctor.
How did you choose the doctor that would take care of you?
As I already mentioned, I didn't choose the doctor by internet reviews or photos, but by recommendation from my friends. I had two appointments and at the end I decided for the doctor Skala from the OB Care clinic. I have to say both doctors were nice, heplful and willing to give me any kind of advice. My final decision was more intuitive.
What type of impants did you decide for and why?
During my consultation with the doctor I explained my idea to him, what I wanted and what didn't. I wanted the most natural look possible. I didn't want it to be visible at first sight. Then I let him tell me what would be the best for me. The doctor recommended me two brands, Mentor and Nagor, anatomic implants 250 ml and 270 ml. Eventually, I decided for the brand Nagor because it seemed much more natural and soft when I touched it and the surface was not that „superficial“ as well.
And what about our „good friend“ Google? Did you google the information before making the final decision?
Of course, I checked the internet before making the final decision. There were a lot of contradictory comments about both brands. The main discussion was about the hardness of the implants. By my own experience I can say they are not tough. I am still in the process of recovery and I know it will still take a little time but they are quite soft already.
Was there anything else that you paid a special attention when you were making a decision?
Before I made a decision for the doctor I looked at the photos on the web to check whether I liked his work or not. No matter how much I would like the doctor if the public photos of his work weren't good I would be afraid to undergo the procedure.
A big advantage of the OB Care clinic that also made a big part of my final decision is that they are able to do all the pre-operative examination there, which saved my time.
What was your biggest fear?
I assume that, as most people, I was afraid of the big pain that people usually talk about and that I would not like the result. Luckily, none of my fears came true.
How did your recovery go right after the procedure?
I spent one night at the clinic. The doctor took out my drains, my bandages and dressed me in post-operative bra and compression belt. First three days after the operation I was at home and didn't do anything, just resting. First hygiene was after 48 hours, when I was almost worried to take off my bra. The elastic bra gives you the feeling of certainty, strength and safety.

I really have to say that I got used to it now and that it will be hard to change it for the normal bra. Besides, I discovered the bra with lower decolt which makes it easier when it comes to everyday use. I think I will keep this bra even after I don't need to wear it anymore.
How did you choose the right post-operative bra?
I got the first bra right at the clinic. However, because of the hygine and also to go with my clothes I needed to buy another one. My friend recommended me to try the cotton bra called PI special bra. Then as I already mentioned PI active bra with lower decolt. They are both seamless and very comfortable. Right now I wear one for sport and the other one for normal use.

What would you recommend to the patients who are going to have the procedure?
I would surely recommend them not to join any kind of online discussions if they don't want to have unnecessary worries and don‘t want to be stressed out. I just looked at the photos to see the differences between the brands of implants. I found some dicsussion at the moment I was already after the operation and I have to say I wouldn't probably go for the procedure if I had read these things before.
Another thing I would recommend is to trust the doctor you chose. If you are not sure, go somewhere else for the appointment. But don't look at the internet forum, I was quite shocked how many „professionals“ are there. The girls who are chatting there are giving you advice according to your photos, like under what size you shouldn't go.
One thing you would surely do the same way again. And one you wouldn't do the next time.
I would probably do everything the same again, I would trust the doctor I chose to take care of me. There isn't anything I would avoid next time, just one the thing - I could have done it many years ago. So if you really want to go and the idea comes from your head, don't hesitate.