Treatment And Package Final Prices



    INCLUDES: pre-operative tests (blood and urine tests, ECG, appointment with internist doctor), pre-operative and post-operative consultation with cosmetic surgeon, compression stockings, surgery, local/general anesthesia, medication, (round/anatomic breast implants - where applicable), stay at the clinic after the surgery (1-2 nights), drinks and food while at the clinic, dissolvable/non-dissolvable stitches, elastic garment - where applicable, pre-release check-up, release documentation for GP, fit to fly confirmation


    INCLUDES: all in TREATMENT PRICE plus airport pick up and return way, transfers from the hotel to the clinic and back, English speaking patient coordinator, accommodation for the patient in the hotel incl. breakfast (1 night before the surgery and 2-4 nights after the surgery), follow up consultations online when required

    1 or 2 - night stay at the clinic included in the treatment price

    1/3 - number of nights included in the price in 4* hotel double room before/after the clinic release incl. breakfast

    Choose your currency

    • EUR
      Complete Facelift (behind Tragus) - Neck Only on the Jawline 3 290 3 790 1 1 / 3
      Complete Facelift And Platysma Muscle Plication (Neck Lift) 3 690 4 190 1 1 / 3
      Mini Facelift 1 790 2 190 1 1 / 2
      Blepharoplasty (Upper OR Lower Eyelids) 1 090 1 490 1 1 / 2
      Blepharoplasty (Upper AND Lower Eyelids) 1 590 1 990 1 1 / 2
      Otoplasty 1 200 1 600 1 1 / 2
      Lip Augmentation Surgery (Surgical) 1 490 1 890 1 1 / 2
      Necklift 1 390 1 730 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift (Mammoplasty, Mastopexy) 3 690 4 190 1 1 / 3
      Areolae Reduction (Both Breasts) 1 350 1 750 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift with Reduction (Reshaping and Reduction) 3 740 4 240 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Large Reduction (Gigantomastia) 4 090 4 590 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Mentor Implants Included) 4 950 5 450 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Arion Implants Included) 4 550 5 050 1 1 / 3
      Breast Augmentation with Round Mentor Implants 4 290 4 690 1 1 / 2
      Breast Augmentation with Round Arion Implants 3 900 4 300 1 1 / 2
      Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Mentor Implants 4 590 4 990 1 1 / 2
      Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Arion Implants 4 190 4 590 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift with Breast Implants Removal 3 850 4 350 1 1 / 3
      Abdominoplasty (including Muscles Tightening and Navel Transposition) 3 240 3 740 2 1 / 3
      Mini Abdominoplasty 2 570 3 070 2 1 / 3
      Male Breast Reduction - Gynecomastia (Including 2 Area Liposuction) 2 100 2 600 1 1 / 3
      Buttock Uplift 2 840 3 440 1 1 / 4
      Thighlift 2 990 3 490 1 1 / 3
      Armlift 2 370 2 870 1 1 / 3
      Back Shaping Surgery 2 150 2 650 1 1 / 3
      Labiaplasty - Labia Reduction 1 520 2 020 1 1 / 3
      Liposuction - 1 Area (Added to Another Procedure) 940 990 - - / -
      Liposuction - 1 Area 1 790 2 190 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - 2 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1 260 1 310 - - / -
      Liposuction - 2 Areas 2 390 2 790 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - 3 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1 480 1 530 - - / -
      Liposuction - 3 Areas 2 620 3 020 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - Every Other Area (Added to Another Procedure) 750 800 - - / -
      Liposuction - Every Other Area 850 900 - - / -
      Chin Liposuction in LA 1 090 1 140 - - / -
      Dermal Filler (Hyaluronic Acid) 1 ml + Application 330      
      Botulotoxin (50 Units) + Application 330      
      PLEXR - Wrinkels Around Eyes And Ears 250      
      PLEXR - Birth Marks, Scarring Treatment (Price from) 130      
      PLEXR - Eyelids Treatment 690      
      PLEXR - Acné, Keratosis, Hemangiom Treatment (Price from) 130      
      PLEXR - Necklift 710      
      PLEXR - Wrinkles Around Mouth 350
    • GBP
      Complete Facelift (behind Tragus) - Neck Only on the Jawline 2 990 3 450 1 1 / 3
      Complete Facelift And Platysma Muscle Plication (Neck Lift) 3 190 3 650 1 1 / 3
      Mini Facelift 1 720 2 090 1 1 / 2
      Blepharoplasty (Upper OR Lower Eyelids) 990 1 360 1 1 / 2
      Blepharoplasty (Upper AND Lower Eyelids) 1 400 1 770 1 1 / 2
      Otoplasty 1 090 1 460 1 1 / 2
      Lip Augmentation Surgery (Surgical) 1 350 1 720 1 1 / 2
      Necklift 1 230 1 600 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift (Mammoplasty, Mastopexy) 3 010 3 470 1 1 / 3
      Areolae Reduction (Both Breasts) 1 250 1 620 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift with Reduction (Reshaping and Reduction) 3 250 3 710 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Large Reduction (Gigantomastia) 3 550 4 010 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Mentor Implants Included) 4 290 4 750 1 1 / 3
      Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Arion Implants Included) 3 940 4 400 1 1 / 3
      Breast Augmentation with Round Mentor Implants 

      3 890

      4 260

      1 1 / 2
      Breast Augmentation with Round Arion Implants 3 490 3 860 1 1 / 2

      Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Mentor Implants 

      4 050

      4 420

      1 1 / 2
      Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Arion Implants 3 690 4 060 1 1 / 2
      Breast Uplift with Breast Implants Removal 3 150 3 520 1 1 / 3
      Abdominoplasty (including Muscles Tightening and Navel Transposition) 3 050 3 510 2 1 / 3
      Mini Abdominoplasty 2 300 2 760 2 1 / 3
      Monsplasty (Mons Pubis Lift) 1 210 1 490 1 1 / 1
      Male Breast Reduction - Gynecomastia (Including 2 Area Liposuction) 1 900 2 360 1 1 / 3
      Buttock Uplift 2 650 3 200 1 1 / 4
      Thighlift 2 590 3 050 1 1 / 3
      Armlift 2 220 2 680 1 1 / 3
      Back Shaping Surgery 1 790 2 250 1 1 / 3
      Labiaplasty - Labia Reduction 1 400 1 860 1 1 / 3
      Liposuction - 1 Area (Added to Another Procedure) 790 830 - - / -
      Liposuction - 1 Area 1 590 1 960 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - 2 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1140 1 180 - - / -
      Liposuction - 2 Areas 2 190 2 560 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - 3 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1 350 1 390 - - / -
      Liposuction - 3 Areas 2 450 2 820 1 1 / 2
      Liposuction - Every Other Area (Added to Another Procedure) 350 390 - - / -
      Liposuction - Every Other Area 500 540 - - / -
      Chin Liposuction in LA 880 920 - - / -
      Dermal Filler (Hyaluronic Acid) 1 ml + Application 280      
      Botulotoxin (50 Units) + Application 280      
      PLEXR - Wrinkels Around Eyes And Ears 260      
      PLEXR - Birth Marks, Scarring Treatment (Price from) 120      
      PLEXR - Eyelids Treatment 620      
      PLEXR - Acné, Keratosis, Hemangiom Treatment (Price from) 120      
      PLEXR - Necklift 640      
      PLEXR - Wrinkles Around Mouth 310


    INCLUDES: pre-operative tests (blood and urine tests, ECG, appointment with internist doctor, nutritionist, gastroscopy), pre-operative and post-operative consultation with bariatric surgeon, surgery, general anesthesia, (gastric band - where applicable), medication, plastic containers - 150 ml, stay at the clinic after the surgery, pre-release check-up, release documentation for GP


    INCLUDES: all in TREATMENT PRICE plus airport pick up and return way, transfers from the hotel to the clinic and back, English speaking personal assistant, dissolvable stitches, accommodation for the patient in the hotel incl. breakfast (1 night before the surgery and 2-4 nights after the surgery), follow up consultations online when required

    2 or 3 - stay at the clinic included in the treatment price

    1/2 - number of nights included in the price in 4* hotel double room before/after the clinic release incl. breakfast

    Choose your currency

    • EUR
      Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band 5 000 5 400 2 1 / 2
      Laparoscopic Greater Curvatory Plication 5 200 5 600 3 1 / 2

      Intragastric Balloon (6 months) - incl. balloon removal and transfers on second visit

      2 000  2 450 0 1 / 2
      Intragastric Balloon ORBERA365 (12 months) - incl. balloon removal and transfers on second visit  2 400 2 850 0 1 / 2
      Removal of gastric balloon (from a different clinic) 700   0  
    • GBP
      Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band 4 230 4 600 2 1 / 2
      Laparoscopic Greater Curvatory Plication 4 400 4 770 3 1 / 2
      Intragastric Balloon (6 months) - incl. balloon removal and transfers on second visit 1 700 2 120 0 1 / 2
      Intragastric Balloon ORBERA365 (12 months) - incl. balloon removal and transfers on second visit  2 050 2 470 0 1 / 2
      Removal of a gastric balloon (from a different clinic) 600   0  


    INCLUDES: pre-operative tests (blood and urine tests, ECG, appointment with internist doctor), pre-operative and post-operative consultation with cosmetic surgeon, surgery, local/general anesthesia, medication, (round/anatomic breast implants - where applicable), stay at the clinic after the surgery, drinks and food while at the clinic, dissolvable stitches, elastic garment - where applicable, pre-release check-up, release documentation for GP, fit to fly confirmation


    INCLUDES: all in TREATMENT PRICE plus airport pick up and return way, transfers from the hotel to the clinic and back, English speaking personal assistant, accommodation for the patient in the hotel incl. breakfast (1 night before the surgery and 2-4 nights after the surgery), follow up consultations online when required

    1 or 2 - night stay at the clinic included in the treatment price

    1/3 - number of nights included in the price in 4* hotel double room before/after the clinic release incl. breakfast

    Complete Facelift (behind Tragus) - Neck Only on the Jawline 2 890 3 310 1 1 / 3
    Complete Facelift And Platysma Muscle Plication (Neck Lift) 3 200 3 620 1 1 / 3
    Mini Facelift 1 740 2 080 1 1 / 2
    Blepharoplasty (Upper OR Lower Eyelids) 820 1 160 1 1 / 2
    Blepharoplasty (Upper AND Lower Eyelids) 1 350 1 690 1 1 / 2
    Otoplasty 1 200 1 540 1 1 / 2
    Lip Augmentation Surgery (Surgical) 1 450 1 790 1 1 / 2
    Necklift 1 380 1 720 1 1 / 2
    Breast Uplift (Mammoplasty, Mastopexy) 2 740 3 160 1 1 / 3
    Areolae Reduction (Both Breasts) 1 150 1 485 1 1 / 2
    Breast Uplift with Reduction (Reshaping and Reduction) 2 990 3 410 1 1 / 3
    Breast Uplift with Large Reduction (Gigantomastia) 3 190 3 610 1 1 / 3
    Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Mentor Implants Included) 3 950 4 370 1 1 / 3
    Breast Uplift with Enlargement (Round Nagor Implants Included) 3 540 3 960 1 1 / 3
    Breast Augmentation with Round Mentor Implants 3 590 3 930 1 1 / 2
    Breast Augmentation with Round Nagor Implants 3 190 3 530 1 1 / 2
    Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Mentor Implants 3 990 4 330 1 1 / 2
    Breast Augmentation with Anatomic Nagor Implants 3 290 3 630 1 1 / 2
    Breast Uplift with Breast Implants Removal 3 150 3 570 1 1 / 3
    Abdominoplasty (including Muscles Tightening and Navel Transposition) 2 750 3 170 2 1 / 3
    Mini Abdominoplasty 2 190 2 610 2 1 / 3
    Male Breast Reduction - Gynecomastia (Including 2 Area Liposuction) 2 200 2 620 1 1 / 3
    Buttock Uplift 2 750 3 250 1 1 / 4
    Thighlift 2 490 2 910 1 1 / 3
    Armlift 2 090 2 510 1 1 / 3
    Back Shaping Surgery 2 150 2 570 1 1 / 3
    Labiaplasty - Labia Reduction 1 520 1 940 1 1 / 3
    Liposuction - 1 Area (Added to Another Procedure) 940 985 - - / -
    Liposuction - 1 Area 1 690 2 030 1 1 / 2
    Liposuction - 2 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1 160 1 205 - - / -
    Liposuction - 2 Areas 2 100 2 440 1 1 / 2
    Liposuction - 3 Areas (Added to Another Procedure) 1 350 1 395 - - / -
    Liposuction - 3 Areas 2 290 2 630 1 1 / 2
    Liposuction - Every Other Area (Added to Another Procedure) 150 235 - - / -
    Liposuction - Every Other Area 450 495 - - / -
    Dermal Filler (Hyaluronic Acid) 1 ml + Application 280      
    Botulotoxin (50 Units) + Application 280      
    PLEXR - Wrinkels Around Eyes And Ears 250      
    PLEXR - Birth Marks, Scarring Treatment (Price from) 80      
    PLEXR - Eyelids Treatment 650      
    PLEXR - Acné, Keratosis, Hemangiom Treatment (Price from) 80      
    PLEXR - Necklift 500      
    PLEXR - Wrinkles Around Mouth 250


    INCLUDES: pre-operative tests (blood and urine tests, ECG, appointment with internist doctor, nutritionist, gastroscopy), pre-operative and post-operative consultation with bariatric surgeon, surgery, general anesthesia, (gastric band - where applicable), medication, plastic containers - 150 ml, stay at the clinic after the surgery, pre-release check-up, release documentation for GP


    INCLUDES: all in TREATMENT PRICE plus airport pick up and return way, transfers from the hotel to the clinic and back, English speaking personal assistant, dissolvable stitches, accommodation for the patient in the hotel incl. breakfast (1 night before the surgery and 2-4 nights after the surgery), follow up consultations online when required

    2 or 3 - stay at the clinic included in the treatment price

    1/2 - number of nights included in the price in hotel double room before/after the clinic release incl. breakfast

    Swedish Adjustable Gastric Band 3 800 4 100 2 1 / 2
    Laparoscopic Greater Curvatory Plication 4 000 4 300 3 1 / 2
    Bariatric Intragastric Balloon (inclusion AND exclusion) 1 900 2 340 1 1 / 2

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