Mein Erfahrungen, vom Februar 22, im Sinne einer Magenverkleinerung in der OB-Klinik ist von Anfang bis Ende durchweg positiv. Angefangen von der Ankunft bei der Lobby, welche sehr freundlich waren , besonders die Frau J..... F....., die bei mir als Dolmetscherin fungierte bis über die Ärztinnen und deren Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen (besonders locker und angstnehmend waren die bei der Gastroskopie). Klar ist eine Magenspiegelung nichts angenehmes, aber durch die Art und Weise war ich zwar geistig nervös, aber körperlich entspannt und habe sogar mal den einen und anderen Blick auf den Monitor gewagt. Sehr interessant aber ein Magen von innen ist nicht soooo schön.
Der ganze Prozess der Aufnahme (Papierkram) und den entsprechenden Untersuchungen der allgemeinen Vitalwerte HKL, Blutabnahme Urinabgabe und Gastroskopie war zeitlich gebührend straff, aber die Ergebnisse liegen dann auch in kürzester Zeit zur Endbesprechung vor. Alles läuft straff, aber ohne Hektik und mit einer fast schon liebenswerten Gelassenheit und Freundlichkeit, was ich hier für die gesamte Klinik und deren Mitarbeiter mal betonen möchte. Alle Fragen die ich hatte, seien sie noch so dumm gewesen, wurden mit einem grad an Respekt und Lockerheit wirklich ausführlich beantwortet. Die Zeit hat man sich in jedem Bereich dafür genommen. Dafür kann ich nur DANKE sagen. Ich fühlte mich alles in allem dort sehr aufgehoben. Absolut kein Vergleich zu deutschen Kliniken und deren Mitarbeiter, die alle bestimmt auch Ihre Qualifikation und Können haben. Kurz nach den Untersuchungen und dementsprechenden Besprechung kam ich auch nach einem kurzem Aufenthalt im Krankenzimmer, gleich zur OP dran, zu der ich nicht wirklich was sagen kann, was sich selbst erklärt. Als ich nach dem Aufwachen wieder auf meinem Zimmer war, kam auch kurz danach Frau J....... F.... die sich liebenswert, schon fast fürsorglich nach meinem Befinden erkundigte. Mag es vielleicht kitschig klingen, aber anders kann ich es nicht besser beschreiben, wobei ALLE immer den gebührenden Respekt und Distanz in Ihren Umgangsformen gewahrt haben. Irgendwie ENTFERNT so, als wenn man als Fremder in einer Familie mit Herzlichkeit empfangen wird. Die OP und die kleinen vernähten Einschnitte haben mir keine Probleme bereitet und der Heilungsprozess verlief bei mir so zufriedenstellend das ich die Klinik 1 Tag früher verlassen konnte als geplant, man will ja letztendlich ja auch gern nach Hause, was noch ca. 600km selber Fahren bedeutete.
Klar die Umstellung des Essverhaltens ist gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber man hat den Dreh recht schnell raus und bis heute habe ich ohne wirklichen Sport, also nur durch Umstellung des Essens bei normaler Arbeit im Beruf über 20kg verloren und ich bin sehr zufrieden und irgendwie auch stolz drauf. Fühle mich WESENDLICH besser als noch vor 4 Monaten, was sich auch in so manchen Komplimenten widerspiegelt.
Mit der OB- Klinik und dem personellen Umfeld war ich im Sinne der Magenverkleinerung so zufrieden, das ich für meiner Frau dort für den 27.06.22 einen Termin zur Magenverkleinerung ausgemacht hatte, nur leider fand Ihre OP nicht statt, weil bei Ihren Voruntersuchungen eine Entzündung und ein kleines Magengeschwür entdeckt wurde, was wir zuvor nicht ahnten. Schade um den Aufwand der Fahrt, Hotel etc., aber sehr gut im Sinne des Verantwortungsbewusstseins der Klinik, die auch gleichzeitig eine Probe entnommen und untersucht haben. Wie gesagt, dumm gelaufen , aber unterm Strich sehr gut. Auf alle Fälle steht für uns fest, das wenn das Geschwür und die Entzündung behoben sind, wir einen erneuten Termin in DIESER Klinik ausmachen werden.... sollte mich irgendjemand nach einer Rat fragen, so kann ich diese Adresse mit gutem Gewissen nur weiterempfehlen. 
Mit besten lieben Grüßen 
A. Steinert
Juni 2022

Nach einer Gewichtsreduktion von über 50 kg und 2 darauffolgenden Schwangerschaften mit Kaiserschnitt konnte der Bauch nichtmal ansatzweise mit Sport in eine schöne Form gebracht werden. Nach langer Suche bin ich im Internet auf die Erfahrungsberichte zu Dr. Skala gekommen und habe Kontakt zur Klinik aufgenommen.


Sarah, Deutschland,  November 2020

Für mich war das Magenband die beste Idee meines Lebens. Nach vielen Jahren erfolgloser Diäten, endlich eine vernünftige Essenkontrolle. Sehr gute Betreuung in Prag und viel nützliches Infomaterial. Sehr gute Unterstützung durch Blanka.

Jens, Deutschland, April 2020

Ahoj und guten Abend liebe  Frau Frantlova!

Ich möchte mich erst einmal ganz herzlich bei Ihnen für die sehr gute Beratung, Begleitung und Versorgung vor und nach meiner Op bedanken!

Bitte richten Sie auch Doktor Skala meinen herzlichen Dank aus!

Ich bin sehr glücklich mit meinen neuen Brüsten! Herr Doktor Skala ist ein wahrer Künstler! Gerne werde ich Ihn und auch Sie liebe Frau Frantlova weiter empfehlen!

Iris, Deutschland, November 2019

Hallo Jana,

Hallo zusammen, bei mir wurde in Prag in der OB CLINIC im Stadtteil Krejcárkem eine Abdominoplastik mit Verlagerung des Bauchnabels und Fettabsaugung gemacht. Ich muss sagen dass ich rundum sehr zufrieden bin. Angefangen bei der Betreuung durch Frau Frantlová über die Beratung und Operation von Dr. Skala bis zum zweitägigen Aufenthalt in der Klinik sind alle sehr professionell und sehr freundlich. Ich bin immer sehr gut betreut worden, auch noch nach dem Aufenthalt in Prag.


Rosa, Deutschland, September 2019

Hat alles reibungslos geklappt, ich wurde sehr nett behandelt und mir stand immer eine deutschsprachige Assistentin zur Seite und hat mich bei allen wegen begleitet und auch alles super toll übersetzt. Ging alles sehr schnell und reibungslos. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen. Ich würde jede Zeit wiederkommen.

Danke an alle, die uns so toll begleitet haben vor und nach der Operation.

Steve, Östereich, Juli 2019

Der Operation habe ich mich am 23.4. unterzogen. Am Tag der OP traf ich nervös in die Klinik. Die Anspannung hat bald nachgegeben, als Herr Dr. Skala kam und uns mit dem Lächeln zum Gespräch eingeladen hat. Herr Doktor hat sich alle meine Wünsche angehört und perfekt erfüllt. Herrn Dr. Skala und sein ganzes Team kann ich nur empfehlen. Jetzt bin ich 5 Tagen nach dem Eingriff und fühle mich so gut, als ob ich mich keiner OP unterzogen habe. Die Schmerzen sind minimal.

Ilona, Deutschland, April 2019

Ich bin eine Woche nach der Operation, obwohl ich noch Schwellungen habe, bin ich sehr zufrieden. Die Narbe ist dünn. Ich wurde von Herrn Dr. Skala operiert und ich konnte nicht besser wählen. Herr Doktor ist sehr sympathisch und hat goldene Hände. Im Operationssaal, wo ich eingeschlafen habe, waren alle sehr nett, die postoperative Pflege war perfekt und die Krankenschwester auch. Falls ich noch eine Verbesserung machen würde, dann nur beim Dr. Skala in OB. Vielen Dank!!

Therese, Östereich, März 2019

Ich bin 3 Tage nach der Operation und muss ich nur loben. Vielen Dank an Herrn Dr. Skála für meine schöne Brüste, endlich bin ich glücklich. Vielen Dank auch an die Schwester, sie waren toll und in der Operationssaal alle auch super. Ich habe 330 und 360 ml. Falls ich mich noch für eine Änderung entscheide, dann nur OB Care.

Adele, Deutschland, Februar 2019

Hallo Jana,

vielen vielen lieben Dank für Ihre Unterstützung. Ich fühle mich jeden Tag besser. Wir kochen täglich frische Suppen aus lauter gesunden Zutaten.

Inzwischen habe ich bereits 10 kg abgenommen J. Durch die Umstände das ich mich jeden Tag besser fühle klappt es auch super mit der Bewegung.


Janine, Oktober 2018

Ich habe schon mehrmals Mediczech und Dr. Skala besucht um einen ästhetischen Eingriff durchzuführen. Diesmal handelte es sich um eine Brust-OP. 

Ich bin seeeeehr zufrieden mit der Arbeit von Dr. Skala. Dieser Mann ist eine absolute Koryphäe, bei dieser Meinung bleibe ich und empfehle ihn überall weiter……..

Auch nochmal ein großes Dankeschön an Jana für die Beratung und Begleitung immer. :-)

Silke, Deutschland, Oktober 2018

Liebe Frau Frantlova,

was kann ich hier noch sagen ... absolut superklasse. Ich bin mehr als zufrieden und kann es immer noch nicht glauben, wenn ich in den Spiegel schaue. Ich hatte keinerlei Schmerzen, weder bei der OP noch danach.

Ganz viele liebe Grüße an Dr Skala und richten Sie ihm vielen vielen Dank für das tolle Ergebnis! 

Liebe Grüße


Libuse, Oktober 2018

Sehr gute Klinik, ausgesprochen freundliches und aufmerksames Personal, alle sprechen deutsch oder englisch und wenn es doch mal nicht klappt mit der Kommunikation ist jederzeit die Patientenbetreuerin da und steht mit Rat und Tat zur Seite. Die Preise sind unschlagbar und diese Klinik entspricht zu 100% dem deutschen Standard. Egal zu welcher plastischen OP ich mich in Zukunft nochmal entscheide.....ich würde es immer wieder dort machen lassen.Resümee.... ABSOLUT EMPFEHLENSWERT!!!!!

Manuela, Juli 2018

Sehr geehrte Frau Frantlova 

Im Anhang die neusten Fotos von meiner Brust OP am 18.10.2017. 

Ist alles gut verheilt. Habe Freude an meinen neuen Brüste.

Nochmals vielen Dank für die gute Betreuung von Arzt Skala, Ihnen  und Ihre Kollegin. 

Freundliche Grüsse 

Therese, Deutschland, December 2017

Big thanks to you all: “Vielen Dank an euch alle!” 

Hi Jana, 

Es war sehr schön, dich endlich persönlich zu treffen, vielen Dank für all deine Hilfe bei meiner Operation von Anfang an bis zum Ende.


Sharon, November 2017



Carmelinda, Germany, Oktober 2017

Hallo Jana,

am 19.06.2017 ich wog 121 Kg, bekam ich bei euch eine Magenfaltung, du erinnerst Dich? Der Chirurg hatte mir bei der Untersuchung gesagt ich könnte danach kein Marathon mehr laufen.

Am Sonntag den 24.09.2017 lief ich in Berlin Marathon in neuer Bestzeit 4 Stunden und 10 Minuten. Ich wiege jetzt 99,8 Kg.

Danke für alles.

Frank, September 2017

Ich bin mit Klinikpersonal, Betreuung und Arzt zufrieden.

Petra, Germany, July 2017

Herr Doktor Skala hat meinen Wunsch perfekt umgesetzt, hat mir von zu grossen Implantaten abgeraten. Fragen wurden immer zu meiner Befriedigung beantwortet. Ich komme wieder gern

Louisa, Germany, July 2017

Sehr geehrte Frau Frantlova,

anbei Fotos 6 Monate postoperativ nach meiner Bauchstraffung im Januar. ES ist alles gut verheilt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Susanne, Deutschland, July 2017

Liebe Jana, 

Ich möchte mich nochmals herzlichst bedanken für eure nette Beratung und eure Unterstützung zur Operation. Sie waren und sind natürlich immer noch eine sehr nette Assistentin. Sowas gibt es heutzutage sehr selten. Ich bin glücklich darüber, dass Herr Doktor Skala mich operiert hat. Und bitte sie herzlichst darum es Doktor Skala weiterzuleiten. Vielleicht sehen wir uns ja in ein paar Jahren wieder !! :-) Mit freundlichen Grüßen (Die Resultate können unterschiedlich sein und sind von Patienten zu Patienten individuell.)

Marija, Februar 2017

Liebe Frau Jana
Wollten uns nochmal bedanken für das schöne Ergebnis , waren sehr zufrieden mit Klinik , ihrer Betreuung und Dr Skala .
Sie wissen bestimmt wie vielen Menschen sie eine freunde machen , aber ehrlich gesagt diese Freude kann man nicht beschreiben . Wenn es einen über Jahre quellt und man sich endlich dazu entschließt zu machen und soooo zufrieden ist , könnte man die ganze Welt umarmen.


Suzanne, November 2016

Unserer Tochter geht es sehr gut und ist sehr sehr glücklich. Nochmals vielen Dank an den netten Dr. Skala und dem Team.
Eine Weiterempfehlung von der wunderbaren Arbeit ist schon oft von uns getan worden.Weiterhin viel Erfolg. (Die Resultate können unterschiedlich sein und sind von Patienten zu Patienten individuell.)

Jana, Deutschland, Dezember 2016

Als erstes Dankeschön für alles ich und Karolin sind überglücklich über unsere Ergebnisse einfach unbeschreiblich top. Bitte sagen Sie Dr Scala eine große Dankeschön von mir und Karolin und natürlich auch an ihnen sie machen ihre Arbeit sehr gut und vermitteln den Patienten unheimlich gutes und sehr angenehmes Gefühl DANKESCHÖN. (Die Resultate können unterschiedlich sein und sind von Patienten zu Patienten individuell.)

Honorata, Deutschland, November 2016

Liebe Frau Jana Wollten uns nochmal bedanken für das schöne Ergebnis, waren sehr zufrieden mit Klinik, ihrer Betreuung und Dr Skala.


Karolina, Deutschland, November 2016

Hi Tereza,
I just wanted to say a final thanks to you for making this so simple and easy for me, I couldn't have done it without you. Also, thanks to Martin the Doctor - I didnt suffer any bruising, pain or discomfort and I can already see a massive improvement to my jawline.  


Dorothy, May 2019

I am very happy I had chosen MediCzech and doctor Skála. I was and still am very happy with everything. The recovery was with no troubles at all. 


Sam, Ireland, 

Hi Tereza
That’s me home. I just wanted to thank everyone at the OB Care clinic for everything, you were all very professional and definitely made me feel relaxed (well as much as you could) for what was truly a fantastic experience. I cannot believe how well I feel in such a short space of time after the operation.


Di, UK, October 2018

For all my life I‘ve had weight problems. Even though I‘ve led an active life in dance and gym classes, I never really managed to lose much weight. Three years ago I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and medicated using hormonal pills to help control my weight, but it stayed the same.

About 2 years go, I gained some weight, climbing from 63 kg to 78 kg. I was very sad and discouraged because my clothes no longer fit. I felt fat and because of that, I didn‘t feel like doing anything.


Gabriela, July 2018

I had upper eyelid surgery with mediczech and docto Skala. I am very very happy with the result. I dont look tired anymore and I look alive and very awake. I still have scar tissue and redness to heal but it’s still early days for that. 

Everyone comments saying what a lovely difference it makes to my face. I’m not a beauty but you have helped me make the best of what I have. Thanks. 

Jane, UK, January 2018

Hi Tina 

It was nice to finally meet you thank you so much for all your help with my operation from start to finish.


Sharon, November 2017

Hi Tina

I would just like to Thank you and all the team at Mediczech for all the fantastic care and support during my recent visit to Prague for upper eyelid surgery, with a special Thank You to Karolina who was very knowledgeable and wonderful throughout our stay.


Jane, Scotland, September 2017

I can only recommend Mediczech. I met only nice and friendly people. Firstly Tina replied all my questions and comments (I had too many) quickly, then all nurses I met during my pre-operative tests and and of course my surgeon Martin Skala. He was a big professional and he knew what to do. He also replied my questions and assured me before the surgery. I would like to thank to everybody at the clinic!!

John, UK, July 2017

Dear Jana 

I would like to sincerely thank you for your kindness and support during all my stay. You all are very nice and helpful assistant. It is something very rare nowadays. I am happy that Dr. Skala has operated me. Please send him my best wishes and big thanks. Maybe we'll see each other again in a few years! :-) Best regards

Melanie, Austria, July 2017

Thank you for your e mail, I am keeping well and have no problems regarding the surgery just a little numbness but that has resolved itself.  I was happy with the care I received from your clinic and Dr Martin was very helpful.  

Helen, UK, July 2017

Everything is fine and I am very happy with the results of my eye surgery. No complications or problems.

Susane, UK, July 2017

Hi Tina,

I would just like to thank you and your team for all the assistance in going through with my surgery.

You made it a pleasure and made me feel assured and very comfortable coming abroad for this.

I will recommend you to others.

Thanks again

Ray, May 2017

I have undergone the breast uplift and I can recommend heartily Dr. Skala. He is the right person for the plastic surgeon profession, very helpful, skilfull, making you to feel relaxed, explains you everything clearly. 


Olga, January 2017

Good evening, Dr. Zarubova. I am sending you my greetings and thanks. You have proved again that I only tell the truth when I say to everyone that you are fantastic, positive person, the best one I have met during my medical treatment. 


Mary, January 2017

Story of Mrs. Jennie, who's life got changed thanks to an abdominal surgery 

I managed to loose 45kg/99.2 pounds. The abdominal surgery in May 2016 has changed my life. I've never been in Prague but, I didn't hesitate to come all the way from Scotland for a consultation.


Jen, UK, December 2016

Please pass my thanks on to Mr Skala as his precision is beyond reproach, the scar on one of the breasts after 3 weeks is virtually invisible and the other breast should be the same next week and you cannot really see any scar or outline of one. 


Jean, UK, October 2016

Hi tina,

Hope all is well. I'm delighted with my nose. It's exactly what I wanted, the nose tip surgery was perfect. 


Tom, September 2016

When I was searching for a surgeon to perform my abdominoplasty, Dr. Zarubova said it was possible. I had never visited the Czech Republic before, but I traveled from Scotland to Prague for my consultation and operation. 


Jen, UK, September 2016

My new breasts are the perfect size and have a beautiful shape. 

I underwent surgery at the clinic on 18/08/2016. A friend of mine suggested the clinic to me and I have to say I am so grateful that they did. Dr Skala was very friendly, but more importantly, very professional.


Anne, Ireland, August 2016

Hi Tina 

Just a quick email to thank you and Karolina for everything. 

Also, I wasn't a 100% alert when I saw Dr Skala, so can you please let him know that I am so very happy with what he did with my neck, it exceeded my expect ions and he did an amazing job! Please do pass on my thanks and how happy I am with his expertise in what he has done.

Take care and thanks again.

(The results may vary and are individual.)

Suzy, Ireland, May 2016

I am fine, my breasts are fine and it feels like I never had other breasts than this. I think Dr.Skala has done an incredible good job so I recommended your clinic at home. Thank you! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Susan, Germany, May 2016

I am still wondering how to describe it by words. I have been visiting the OB clinic for almost three years and the infinite kindness and absolute professionalism is unbelievable. I underwent three surgeries - liposuction of thighs twice and thigh lift. Dr. Martin Skala is incredibly nice person, a great professional with human behaviour and big heart. 


Hannah, May 2016

To everyone there!!!

I'm really well and absolutely thrilled with the results!!!

I constantly tell people of the wonderful caring and professional experience I had at every level and from start to finish.


Julie, Ireland, May 2016

Good morning. Thank you for the wonderful service I had when I attended the clinic. The correspondence before I traveled was better than good. The taxi services were on time every time. Karolina was a God send. 


Mark, UK, May 2016

Right from the moment I booked the surgery I received great service from the personal manager providing me with full information, they also sent texts to my mobile reminding me of the preoperative examination. When you get to the clinic, there's a personal assistant for you – a young girl, sort of a  friend who accompanies you and informs you of what is going to happen. 


Amanda, UK, April, 2016

I had breast uplift with reduction with Dr. Skala in May 2015. I am very happy with the result. The shape is fantastic. Everything is fine, I am very impressed with how well the scarring is healing. Thank you, MediCzech, again! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Jennifer, UK, April 2016

Overall very impressed with not only the procedure itself and it's results but your hospitality is second to none, I wouldn't hesitate to come back out to you again and I plan to do so in the future.. not yet though as my wife and I are now 8 months pregnant and have a big year ahead of us! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Lorenzo, UK, April 2016

Dr. Skala is a very professional and pleasant man. I underwent breast surgery last month and have only good things to say. I had asymmetrical breasts and the doctor has done my new boobs exactly according to the picture I showed him. My new breasts look very natural, he really knows what he is doing. He has golden hands and he's a master of stitching.


Julie, UK, March 2016

I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Dr. Skála and his team. Last month I underwent a breast augmentation and everything was flawless. Dr. Skála is a wonderful person, he explained me everything and advised me with all the details.


Barbara, December 2015

Dear Mrs. Tina,
I want you say a big thank you to you and to MUDr. Skála. Thank you for your kindness and care at the clinic. I was very happy with the clinic and the professional job of the doctor. Your energy and positive attitude toward people puts a smile on their faces and most importantly gives power ... I left your clinic full of energy :-) A pleasant surprise was when the nurses, cleaning lady, and I had a friendly chat. Everything was just amazing :-) for that I say a huge THANK YOU!! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Catherine, UK, November 2015

You know the feeling when you stand in front of the mirror and there are parts of you which you don't like? Where the ravages of time have left their work and one thinks, “Oh, you have to do something with yourself!!!” My first decision was Ultherapy at a clinic in Prague for the price of 26,000 CZK.


Rhonda, Switzerland, November 2015

In April 2015, I underwent surgery in OB Care Clinic. I had breast enlargement using Mentor implants. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the OB clinic staff. They made my stay there pleasant. Doctor Skála is an amazing person and a true professional. I am very pleased and highly recommend to all. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Monica, Ireland, November 2015

In May 2015, I underwent surgery (breast reduction and upper eyelid surgery) at the OB clinic. I am really happy with the results of these interventions, which were conducted by MUDr. Skála.  I'm very satisfied also with the friendly staff and my entire stay at the clinic. I want to say thank you to all - and especially to MUDr. Martin Skála. Thank you for your human and professional attitude, and for a job well-done. I highly recommend your clinic. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Jane, Czech Republic, November 2015

My trip to Prague was a pleasure from start to finish!  I was treated like a VIP throughout and nothing was too much trouble. Tina was there to accompany me through every step at the clinic and even brought me a box of dvd's in English when I had to stay overnight! My English speaking assistant was always ready to support me in anything I needed post op.


Caroline, UK, November 2015

I am very pleased with the results of the operation, if I have one regret it is that I didn't have my eyes done when I had the chance!!!!  Might need to come back to Prague......:-)

(The results may vary and are individual.)

Sue, UK, November 2015

Ladies thank you so much for the care and attention you both put into my before, during and after care while I was travelling over to Prague. You made my trip, surgery and time there effortless and confident I was in the right hands!

Much appreciated and thank you again X 

(The results may vary and are individual.)

Steph, UK, October, 2015

I was really happy and satisfied with the service at the clinic. Not one staff was unfriendly or unhelpful and everything was perfect. I'm a person who has my own businesses and have very high standards and it's difficult to make me this is an extra big compliment to OB Clinica if fussy people say "I couldn't be happier".


Theresa, UK, September, 2015

Recovery has been wonderful!  I hardly had any discomfort...the garment was uncomfortable but that's to be expected. I am feeling a lot happier now about my shape!


Jayne, UK, August 2015

Thanks again for helping me with the dentist and Lucy to help guide me.  I will be going back as this was the best and most thorough treatment I have had. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Melanie, UK, August 2015

The Breast lift is Fabulous ... I'm delighted with it ... :)  

(The results may vary and are individual.)

Mary, UK, August 2015

Thank you for all the attention I received whilst with Medizech I was most impressed with the care and support of the clinic and will certainly recommend you to friends. 

Thank you again, we loved Prague and intend to come back next year when we will be able to really appreciate your beautiful city.

(The results may vary and are individual.)

Susan, UK, August 2015

I wanted a Full Facelift, Neck Lift and Lower Eye Surgery, and so very happy with the results, the Clinic itself and everyone I came into contact here. Wonderful place and the staff are second to none!!


Doretta, UK, July 2015

On the 3rd of June 2015, I underwent a full abdominoplasty completely organised by MediCzech.
The reason I chose this surgery is that from 2013 to 2014 I had decided to lose 30 kilograms, as this was how much I had initially thought I was overweight. I ended up losing a total of around 42 kilograms. I lost this weight over a short span of time and unfortunately, due to lack of research, I did not know that this would leave me with a great deal of excess skin. Even if it were the case that I had lost this weight over a longer period, I probably would still have the excess skin.


Jonathan, New Zealand, June 2015

I am obviously still healing, but I was treated so well and the facilities and accommodation were excellent - as was the taxi service - all on time and very polite. I would happily recommend Mediczech and the clinic to other people. Take care and thank you once again for all your help. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Jayne, UK, June 2015

Tina, it feels like born again. Im so very greatfull of the clinic and the people who works there.

I lost 14 kilo sofar, but that is not the biggest chance.

Im just happy and enjoy life again. I like to speak tjechisch so I really could tell you what I really feel.


Catherine, Netherlands, April 2015

I had my eyelid surgery with Dr. Lucy Kalinova. I am very satisfied with the surgery results. It has been more than three months now and the result is perfect. I was also satisfied with the whole process and attitude of all staff. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Eileen, Ireland, April 2015

I am very positive about helpfulness and professional attitude of all staff at the clinic, modern equipment and nice setting. My new eyelids are perfect, I can use my eyeshadows again. I will be more than happy to recommend this clinic. Thank you very much to all! (The results may vary and are individual.) 

Gabrielle, Austria, April 2015

I am very well and after the surgery at your clinic my life has completely changed. 


Caroline, UK, March 2015

Doctor Skála and all nurses were so nice and helpful. The surgery result is just perfect! 


Lucy, March 2015

I had a breast augmentation with doctor Skála 3 months ago. And my mother in law got her upper eyelids done. Doctor Skála is a great professional. 


Angelica, March 2015

I had a upper eyelid correction in September 2014. I was very satisfied with the whole booking process and an attitude of the clinic staff. Postoperative recovery was without any complications. The doctor Lucy could have taken a bit more but I am beautiful! Thank you very much for the consultation and everything. I can only recommend! (The results may vary and are individual.) 
Marie, January 2015

When I arrived to the clinic my first impression was very good - nice surroundings, smiling ladies at the reception, nurse Kamila who came for me was very friendly and had smile on her face all the time. 


Olive, December 2014

The OB clinic is unique, very nice and friendly staff. Doctor Skala is wonderful and very kind and the most important - a very good surgeon. I can only recommend the OB clinic and doctor Skala to everybody! They are number one. Thank you very much! (The results may vary and are individual.)

H., December 2014

Communication was good, my codinator was excellent, Kristina , very helpful. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Young lady, November 2014

I have been thinking of upper and lower eyelid surgery for a very long time. But growing eyebags have made me to act even in my senior age. The treatment was performed by Dr. Martin Skala. I would like to thank him very much not only for the excellent work but also for accommodating and friendly atmosphere during the surgery (local anaesthetic). My thanks and appreciation also go to all other staff I have met – nice and willing nurses and ladies at the OB Clinic reception. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Eva, November 2014

I had a breast augmentation with MediCzech at the OB clinic. My experience was very positive. All the staff I met was nice and friendly and ready to help anytime. My surgeon Martin Skala was trustful. Thank you all for a great job! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Sandra, October 2014

The booking process was very easy and straight forward. Tina is very helpful! My stay at the clinic was nice and everybody looked after me very well. I underwent labiaplasty which is quite sensitive for every women. I have had no problems since my surgery. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Eva, September 2014

The OB clinic is very high standard when speaking of professional and human attitude of Dr. Skala and all the staff. I am very pleased with the treatment and the results so far. I can only recommend MediCzech and the OB clinic to everybody. I think there is nothing to improve. Excellent service! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Irene, September 2014

I had a complete abdominoplasty with Dr. Skála. It has been one week and my belly is still a bit swollen but I think this is quite normal. I must say I have no pain what so ever. 


Regina, July 2014

I was a bit scared to travel for a cosmetic surgery abroad but Mediczech helped me to feel welcomed and comfortable. Very professional, friendly attitude at the reception and from the clinic staff. 


Jane, June 2014

I lost about 12 kg in total with gastric balloon. It was difficult the first week after having it inserted. I couldn't keep anything down even liquids and became weak and dizzy. I started losing weight immediately as I couldn't eat anyways. The balloon settled in after a week and my body adjusted. 


Esther, May 2014

Facelift and Necklift, Chin Liposuction

Cosmetic surgeon Martin Skala - accommodating, willing, caring. Last but not least he is a big professional. He knows how to cheer up and explain everything. 


Nina, April 2014

I had a liposuction treatment 3 months ago. The OB clinic is very nice and modern. 


Abi, March 2014

I had the breast reduction with MediCzech 5 months ago. I have to say I couldn't have chosen better. The OB clinic is modern and beatifully equiped, all staff is willing and cheerful.


Ingrid, March 2014

I have lost 10 kilos with gastric balloon so far. The first couple of days are tough but once you get over it you are fine. Thank you, MediCzech, I feel much better than before! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Anna, February 2014

I had breast uplift with reduction 4 months ago. I chose MediCzech as their attitude was very comforting and all my questions were answered immediately. First of all I would like to thank for a professional and human mindset of cosmetic surgeon Martin Skala. Man can meet this human, nice and mainly professional approach to a patient very rarely. And this is very important to me. 


Malin, February 2014

I felt very comfortable at the OB clinic. I will recommend doctor Skala everywhere:-) 


Lisa, January 2014

I found that after giving birth to my two children I had been left with excess, saggy skin and my stomach muscles had not joined back together, leaving me with a bulging stomach at all times.  As I am a very slim build I became very self-conscious, which was made worse by one person innocently asking when my third child was due!  My GP could see my concerns were valid but after applying for NHS surgery, which was declined, and subsequently appealing the decision he was unable to do more for me.  Read more Carrie, January 2014

When I saw pictures of myself from Christmas and my summer holiday in 2012, I sat and cried and realized how much weight I had gained over the years but also how unhappy I felt in myself. This had affected my confidence massively and I hadn’t been happy for a long time but struggled to stick to diets and exercise routines.  I was a size 18/20 and weighed 14st 4lbs which at 5ft 2inch is significantly over weight.


Patient from England, January 2014

Doctor Skala has very human attitude. The OB clinic is very modern and clean. My nurse who took care of me was very caring and willing. Thank you again! (The results may vary and are individual.)

Marie, December 2013

I am very happy with the results! Everything was well organized and everybody was really nice and willing.


Debra, November 2013

First class experience. I would recommend MediCzech without any hesitation. Clinic staff very helpful and look after you very well. 


Agnes, October 2013

As pleasant an experience as you can get under the circustances of surgery lol. Only negative was that he accomodation did not have air-con and weather was very hot.


Graham, September 2013

I had both eyes and ears done at the same time, sounds like a lot but the procedure only took 2 hours or so and was done in very comfortable and safe surroundings. The clinic itself is just like a small hospital and has very pleasant staff to help at any time, the after care and the provided aparthotel was perfect quiet enough to heal and central enough not to get bored.


Ian, September 2013

My experience with MediCzech was satisfying. The staff was very nice and all the time at my side for help. Martin - the surgeon was trustful as well. 


Sandra, September 2013

From start to finish I found the support service to be excellent and the staff at the clinique looked after me exceptionally well pre and post op. The results in the first two months have been fantastic and I haven't encoutered any medical problems since the operation. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Jodie, July 2013

My experience in Prague was very good. The only thing I would say is more communication between home and the reps after surgery. You will be asleep and uncomfortable for a few hours, so I couldn't call home. 


Theresa, May 2013

After my research, spending hours trawling the Internet trying to find the options I had for the weight loss surgery I wanted. I came across Professor Fried and MediCzech. After much thought and many many emails and questions to Tina at MediCzech, who I must add was fantastic and very patient, answering all my questions with no pressure to book at all.

I booked my Gastric Plication (Wrap). When I arrived at the clinic and the above apartment was pleasantly surprised at the clean, large room and how comfortable it was.


Danielle, March 2013

I was really impressed at the look of the clinic and the service from the MediCzech girls that helped us as well as the wonderful doctor Moravec. I would come back if I need to fix anything but I was not 100 % happy about the hospital service. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Mehri, February 2013

The doctor and Mediczech stuff were great. Really good help from Tina before/during/after the surgery. The doctor was really nice and professional. You could see that they wanted to help the patients and not only throw the procedure. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Manijeh, February 2013

I had really good exprience with Mediczech clinic. Good service and I would definitely visit them again if I need anything done. Tina has been a great help to us and the doctor was very satisfying as well as his team. (The results may vary and are individual.)

Mona, February 2013

Overall I had a good experience with MediCzech and would very much recommend others to avail of the cheaper surgery prices as care and attention to detail are not compromised for the price. 

I would definitely have another procedure done with MediCzech, as the service from Tina has been second to none.


Rebecca, February 2013

Hi there, my name is Cynthia. I decided to have Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, along with liposuction to remove excess skin and fatty tissue from above the bikini line. Pregnancy x4 and weight loss are two reasons behind my decision to have the surgery done. Because no amount of exercise will smooth or tighten the area back to the way it used to be.


Cynthia, December 2012

My Name is Michelle and my friend Tracy decided to get some procedures done. I looked up a lot of places on Internet and after a lot of research I decided to go with MediCzech from the Czech Republic.


Michelle and Tracy, September 2012

I’m Paul and I had eyelid surgery done with MediCzech. I’m a very active, sporty person and have always done a lot of exercise – in general, I’m pretty happy with my physical appearance. However, I started to notice that my face was always looking tired and sad – even when I felt energetic and on top of things. I tried everything: cosmetics, friends’ tips – nothing worked. I finally decided to consult a plastic surgeon in the UK who quickly discovered that I had excess skin around my eyelids which folded, making my eyes look hooded and older. The procedure to get rid of this skin seemed pretty easy – but the price of the surgery was a real shock and something I just couldn’t justify.



I initiated contact with MediCzech and was impressed by the prompt and thorough responses I received back. Such responses were in collaboration with the surgeon directly so I was very pleased. I put this quality in direct comparison to other clinics in the country that I also made contact with and the large difference in standards was immediately apparent.



I had a gastric wrap operation with MediCzech after being recommended its services by someone who'd been for the same procedure. I was very excited about getting the surgery and making this big change to my life.



I had a facelift with MediCzech and I must say the quality and standard of service provided by them is second to none. Every detail of the procedure was explained to me clearly and any concerns I may have had were promptly addressed and dismissed as well as all of my questions were explained clearly and concisely.



It is not often that I am given the opportunity to praise and to express feelings of satisfaction about a company, in this case, MediCzech, with which I have had recent favourable personal experiences. I am referring to my upper and lower eyelid operation, surgically performed and successfully concluded at the OB Klinika on 29 August by Dr. Jaroslav Moravec.



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